
Sherri Winston

Shark Teeth (Bloomsbury), Lotus Bloom and the Afro Revolution (Bloomsbury), Wednesday & Woof series (HarperCollins)


Sherri Winston grew up in Michigan, attended Michigan State University (the finest school in all the land) and lived all over the country as a journalist before settling in South Florida where she worked as a newspaper columnist and became a mom. Writing books and illustrating were a lifelong ambition for Ms. Winston. Now, she splits time between Orlando, Fla., and Charlotte, N.C. with her adult daughter, two cats and a geriatric dog who occasionally wets the floor. In 2022 she was long listed for the National Book Award for Lotus Bloom and the Afro Revolution. As an author for young people, her best known book remains the much loved and lauded President of the Whole Fifth Grade (Little, Brown).

Telling stories

Growing up, we weren’t allowed to say so-and-so was “lying.” That was equal to a swear word. Instead, we had to say they were “telling stores.” It meant making up untruths. Now, of course, I get paid for that. I come from a long line of storytellers. My family was more entertaining than any TV show. I still love taking those imaginings and shaping them into something beautiful and fulfilling. Thank you for sharing that experience with me. I am truly grateful.

I’m Sherri Winston

Welcome to Voteforcupcakes, my very own blog. I’m here to discuss books, reading, writing and musings about the world we live in. Grab a cup of tea and join me!

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